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Marketing Academy

Tips on How to Save Time on Instagram

Hello everybody and welcome back to our weekly series about tips and tricks to marketing your business on Instagram! We all know that maintaining an active Instagram business profile takes a lot of time and effort. But don't worry, we got you covered! On this post we share tips on saving time on Instagram and give you a few quick post ideas for a busy day.

1. Schedule Post Beforehand

Scheduling post before hand is practically necessary to make sure you are posting enough content and that you are posting it on the right time. If you missed our step-by-step guide on how to schedule Instagram posts, go check it out here: INSERT THE LINK WHEN THE POST IS UP.

2. Regram a Photo From Your Community

Regramming means reposting an Instagram photo from another user's account. For example, if your business has a personalized hashtag, see if you can find a picture of your community using your hashtag. Arranging giveaways and competitions is a good way to engage your followers to use your hashtag, and also gives you good material to your regram post later on.

Remember to ask a permission to regram another person’s content and make sure to give proper credit to original user in the caption of the photo.

3. Post an Inspiring Quote

Internet is full of quotes! Choose an inspiring or motivating quote that you think will resonate with you audience. Try to keep the quotes somehow related to your business and remember to keep up a positive vibe.

4. Share an Old Post or a Throwback Picture

Share a picture that worked well in the past or share a throwback photo! There are popular hashtags you can use for this kind of content, such as classic #tbt, which is an acronym for Throwback Thursday. Another hashtag you can try is #flashbackfridays.

5. Save Your Most Used Hashtags

A simple but effective tip to save time is to save your most used hashtags, so you don't have to type them separately on every single post. Save your hashtags on your phone notes and simply copy&paste your hashtags to your post when needed.

We hope that these tricks will save you some time on Instagram!

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