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Marketing Academy

Guide for Creating Relevant and Appealing Content

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Nowadays there are too many channels to target consumers; companies bombard people everyday through social media, email, streaming channels, podcasts, ads, TV, radio, etc. However, because of the amount of data exposed to customers, a lot of it is ignored. So how can you create content that is attractive for consumers?

  1. The first step is to choose one category of the topics that you are going to cover, it is important to focus on that specific category. The content has to be consistent so that you are able to build loyalty amongst your customers. Think about it like if you are developing a long-term relationship with them, they will want to check out your content regularly if you adhere to the topics that interest them.

  2. Listen yo your audience! Create a section for comments and leave your contact details so that people can reach out to you if they have any questions. Use their concerns for future content; if you address the pain points, queries, interests, doubts, and challenges of your customers, then they will want to see your content.

  3. Deliver content in an original way, try using videos in social media channels to capture people's attention.

  4. Publish consistently: you have to develop a relationship with your customers and in order for them to associate your content with you, they have to interact with you numerous times.

  5. You have to prove to your customer that you are reliable and that they can count on you to deliver high quality, reliable, relevant, and interesting content. This way you will gain their loyalty and if you are lucky they will recommend you to others as well.

  6. Your content has to be updated regularly, try to provide exclusive insights, discuss industry trends, and hot topics.

  7. When you state your point of view use facts and evidence to support it.

  8. Simplify the information! In order to reach a bigger audience be as clear and to the point as possible so that everyone understands you.

Lastly, don't bother your customers and don't try to shove your content down their throats through every media channel because if you do, then they will create negative associations with your brand. Use content wisely, publishing consistently doesn't mean that you have to post a picture every hour! Think about what channel you are using and what the best way to transmit content through that channel is. Asking for permission to send information is better because if customers subscribe willingly, then they are going to enjoy your content. The goal is not to reach as many people as possible with your content, but to reach as many people who find your content relevant and valuable as possible.

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