Social Media is an ever changing industry, with new platforms gaining traction, with the consistently shifting opinion of society. If you want to maximise your business awareness amongst social media users, being ahead of the curve by tapping into new social media platforms, is an essential aspect of social media marketing!
What is TikTok?
TikTok is a relatively new social media platform, built upon music, which has seen significant traction in 2019, with over half a billion users to date. The platforms users are primarily 16-24 years of age, which allows for business owners to target this demographic quite easily within the platform.
How to stand out on TikTok?
Why so serious? Be light-hearted, relaxed and genuine! The platform has seen an immense appreciation for funny and whacky content, so just be yourself!
Attention, Attention, Attention! Its all about initial attention in TikTok. With a fast-paced consumption rate, users need to be captivated swiftly, with a creative hook or imagery to keep them on your content.
Focus on them. With all social media marketing, the most effective way is NOT to illustrate how good your business can be, but rather to portray how desirable the consumer experience can be for the consumer! Focus on the end user, and watch your conversion rates improve!
Involvement is key. Involve fans with incentives, challenges and inspire them to get involved within the platform. This is a key method to keep consumers aware of your business whilst giving them a reason to stay!
Exaggeration. Like most social media platforms, exaggeration tends to be favoured. Go big or go home! Users like to see overly excitable characters or content, so don't be shy!
Sharing. Despite focusing on TikTok in this blog, ensure your content is shared amongst different platforms, to ensure the content is widespread, especially when you first get started!
Collaborate. TikTok's #Duet feature allows for the ability to collaborate easily with other content creators, and where possible try to use this to your advantage, as it creates a window of opportunity into gaining new followers!
Hashtags are your best friend! Like Instagram, TikTok runs on hashtags, combine creative and general tags, to ensure your content gets the most views it can!
Focus on small areas. TikTok's algorithm seems to favour local content so be sure to use that to your advantage. Every town has its consumers!
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